Passion for Spices Team is gearing up for our 7th Annual Kids Cooking Camp 2016

Count Down, less than a week away...

Want to obtain the elusive “best summer ever” for your kids? One that they will look back on with fond memories of fun and adventure? One that you know will have taught them key life skills and provided them opportunities for learning while never being boring? Then look no further than Around the World Cooking Camp! 

This is no ordinary camp: no matter the prior cooking experience or enthusiasm your child possesses, baking, rolling, stir frying, and especially eating with a series of esteemed specialists will ignite a passion in even the most unwilling participant. During week one, each budding chef will be taken on a journey of taste and culture, learning special recipes and techniques from a variety of cuisines. By Friday, campers will know how to make Fettuccine from scratch, create a spectacular Taco dish, and pronounce the words Gratin Dauphinois (a French dish loosely translated as cheese-potato gratin) with no trouble at all. Your child will experience amazing foods from different cultures and discover bold new flavors, all while having a blast! 

And that’s only the first five days! Week two is an exploration of the ‘Art and Science of Cooking’, during which campers will participate in activities ranging from the baking of Calzones and Stromboli to Whoopie Pies and ice cream sandwiches. The week will end in an amazing field trip to the Greenwood Gardens in Short Hills, where the kids will get to picnic on a private estate while learning about the magic of beekeeping and Chicken farming. 

Ever been to a Farm to Table restaurant? The campers will get to learn all about sustainable eating and cooking during week three, as they are introduced to the art of pressing herbs, making Baba Ganoush and Eggplant Napoleon from Asian and Italian eggplants, utilizing garden-grown veggies as pizza toppings, and making Sicilian Watermelon Pudding. Over this three week period, your child will be introduced to brand new cuisines and recipes, learning cooking skills that will stay with him or her forever! 


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Above you will notice an example of the Mexican Taco Workshop the kids so eagerly enjoyed.  They had the opportunity to produce their own dough and tortillas, while also formulating the proper fillings for their tacos.  The tacos were of many varieties, as they satisfied the needs of the average vegetarian, the meat lover, and even the fish fans.  

If the amazing dishes the campers will be preparing don’t already hook you, there are some other amazing aspects of the camp you should be made aware of. For instance, several professional chefs (including a chef who specializes in Roman cuisine) will be coming to educate the campers and teach them the tricks of the trade. Additionally, they will be cooking with the best ingredients available: campers will be using nothing but local fresh/organic vegetables and all-natural materials. 

To make sure that your child is able to experience all of this amazing culture and cuisine, sign up now! ‘Around the World’ week starts on August 1st, and spots are filling up quickly. In addition, spread the word to others who might be interested, as we want to see tons of new faces this year! 

Testing more recipes for the upcoming book

Many Healthy and easy recipes   : Our test kitchen is busy this week...

This is traditional recipe, quite fun..

Just made it for a party and the guests loved it..

Marinate the beef cut into 1 inch cubes, and marinate with combination of ginger garlic paste and yogurt and lemon juice.

Then couple of hours before you grill add the spices, I used 2 tbs of Keralan curry for a pound of Sirloin. 

Also cut onions and peppers were added to the mixture.

Grill the meat along with veggies on a skewer alternating withe veggies.

Brush with oil and sprinkle with Himalayan salt and grill 3-4 minutes each side.